"Bless are those who wash their robes
(of sin and evil), that
they may have the right to the tree of
life and that they may enter the city by
the gates" Revelation 22:14
The Holy Marriage Blessing
The Holy Marriage in the Unification Church has a far deeper meaning to it then what people think of marriage. Marriage in the Unification church is a Call from God to all the people on earth living in the 21st century, who by the grace of God were prepared to receive the Second Coming of Christ through whom God will cleanse humanity and cut Satan's false blood lineage that had infected mankind since the fall of Adam and Eve.
1.5 Million Couples Blessed
Since the year 2000, Reverend Sun Myung Moon has conducted several mass weddings the world has ever seen. A total of 1.5 million couples from all faiths, races and cultures have been blessed in matrimony. Man and Women of God, Jews, Christians,Muslims,Hindus and Bhuddhists, Black,white and yellow, all stood in pairs, side by side partook the Holy Wine or Holy Juice, pledged to dedicate their marriage and families to God, for the service of love, peace and harmony and shouted in unison, "I Do!"
Why Holy Marriage Blessing?
If we are to re-examine carefully and prayerfully human history, back to the first family,Adam and Eve, we will find that their marriage wasn't sanctioned nor blessed by God. They actually defied God's commandment "not to partake of the forbidden fruit" and were seduced by the fallen archangel and pressured to experience love and have a family without God, and thus leaving God a lonely God with a shattered dream! No home, no family and no children of His own! In fact, the whole six thousand years of human history since Adam and Eve to the present, was God's work of Restoration, to re-create the original ideal of His family. It is for reason God sent Rev.Moon, the Messiah.
Have Faith
Religions have formulated false supernatural concepts about the Messiah and therefore made it difficult for people to believe in any human figure, perfect example is Jesus Christ. People of his days didn't believe him because they didn't see him coming from heaven (sky) the same thing today, by Christians and Muslims, waiting for Jesus to appear in the sky. Faith and sincerity is so vital to God and to our relationship with God. If we humble ourselves, trust and pray to God, He will surely answer our prayers.
If society can provide a way for young people to have hope in the future of humankind they will do what is necessary to get there. It is only old folks that have lost the ability to dream and hope but in most cases young people do want a world where kindness, respect, forgiveness, and true love, reign. Rev. Moon has given that hope through his teaching and that is why we are not afraid to make the commitment to an everlasting relationship of love.